Hello everyone,
Please find below the schedule for pride events in the Atlantic Region. I hope to see many PSAC members taking part in the various activities. If you need assistance, feel free to contact my office or the Director for LGBT members, Wayne Kelley at wkelley@eastlink.ca.
In pride and solidarity,
Jeannie Baldwin
Pride in the Atlantic Region
La Fierté dans la Région de l’Atlantique
New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick
Saint John
Aug. 9th – Aug. 16th
Information: http://saintjohnpride.ca/
Aug. 10th – Aug. 16th
Information: https://www.facebook.com/frederictonpride
Aug. 17th – Aug. 23rd
Information: https://www.facebook.com/RiverOfPride?fref=ts
Prince Edward Island / Île-du-Prince-Édouard
July 27th – Aug. 2nd
Information: https://www.facebook.com/PridePEI
Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse
July 17th – July 27th
Information: http://halifaxpride.com/event/pride2014/
Aug. 8th – Aug. 17th
Information : http://pridecapebreton.ca/
Newfoundland and Labrador / Terre-Neuve et Labrador
St. John’s
July 14th – July 21st
Information: http://www.stjohnspride.ca/#!event-schedule/cndf