Sisters and Brothers,
The government is refusing to fix the Phoenix pay system and that’s certainly no reason to celebrate.
What can you do?
Speak to your union executive and organize an activity at your workplace during the lunch break on February 24 under the theme “Fix Phoenix Now!”. Send us pictures of your events to demonstrate to the rest of the country that you are not in a celebrating mood and that we are all together in this battle. We encourage that you organize an activity where you will be visible to the general public and the media. Let your imagination run wild.
Have you been affected by Phoenix?
Do you have a story to share about how Phoenix impacted your life? Please let us know. Reporters are always looking for stories and they will most likely want to highlight the one-year anniversary of the Phoenix fiasco. Contact Sebastien Bezeau at to share your story.
We are always open to suggestions/ideas. If you have anything in mind, please do not hesitate to contact me.
In solidarity,
Jeannie Baldwin
Regional Executive Vice-President, Atlantic
301-287 Lacewood Drive, Halifax, NS B3M 3Y7
Tel.: 902.275.7945
Fax: 902.443.8291