PEI – PSAC Local 90140 (Commissionaires) Annual General Meeting (AGM) Notice

Please join local 90140 for the Annual General Meeting scheduled for October 18, 2022, from 6–9 pm.

All PEI Commissionaires belonging to PSAC local 90140 are encouraged to attend.

The AGM will be offered to members in-person at the PSAC Boardroom in Charlottetown (119 Kent St – Suite 510) as well as online via the Zoom platform for members wishing to attend by phone or computer.  (see Zoom link below).


  1. Call to Order
  2. PSAC Anti-Harassment Statement
  3. Introduction of Guest (PSAC Atlantic Regional Council PEI Director-Heather Ford)
  4. Adoption of Agenda
  5. Adoption of previous AGM (2021) Minutes
  6. Officers Reports
  7. Proposed By-Law amendments (see attached)
  8. Election of Local Executive Officers
  9. Election of new Bargaining Team representatives
  10. Swearing in of new officers
  11. PSAC Staff Advisor update
  12. Discussion/Round table:
    1. PSAC National Triennial convention update-dues adjustment
    2. $500.00 student bursary for members and their children
  13. Adjournment

Should you require any further information, please contact Alex (Vital) Stuit, PSAC Regional Representative via email at or via telephone at 902-892-5482.


We have a “Talking Union Basics” training session coming up on October 1 & 2, 2022, at the PSAC office. If you are interested in learning more about your union, click here to register for the course. You will receive an education allowance of $50 per day to attend the training.

For additional training session or to see the full schedule of PSAC events being held this Fall, click here.