NB – Thinking outside the box: When creativity makes wonderful projects

When the Greater Moncton Human Rights (GMHR) committee was looking for a different way to recruit and engage members, they decided to open a contest to reach out to more PSAC members.  After partnering with the Moncton Inspire Festival, an international non-profit street arts festival, and finding some PSAC members who had talent, they were ready to create their project.  First, the contest was asking members to answer a question by submitting, images, pictures, texts, poems, etc.  The question was:   What does equity groups within the PSAC means to you?

The PSAC artists members came from a creative committee at the Pension Centre in Shediac.  They were then going to use the answers to get inspire to create a large painting.  The artists were: Melissa LeGresley, Tanya Doucet, Natalie Vautour, her daughter Jasmine.

They spent many evenings during the festival in July working at their project and the end result exceeded the expectations.

At the end of the festival, the Greater Moncton Human Rights committee was able to bid on their creation and donate it to the Pension Centre where the Director General accepted to display the painting in one of their building, the MCL building.  On September 25 the unveiling of the painting took place at the building and for the occasion, the GSU local 60018 provided cake and coffee to the guests.

The GMHR committee would like to thank again Melissa, Tanya, Natali and Jasmine for their great work in helping the Greater Moncton Human Rights committee recruit and engage more members.

Thanks to Benoit Casey Photos of the unveiling ceremony can be found at the following link:  https://can01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fphotos.app.goo.gl%2FyEKbJrYwHsrfW4z76&data=02%7C01%7CRobichJ%40psac-afpc.com%7C324486080ac84854beba08d74d8f40e0%7C0a1916b7be62452f905569e03ce73de3%7C0%7C0%7C637063149965336190&sdata=EDpl%2FhRzhVlLpLw5khVDZZJN7MbUknmoQhOOiz5bDfU%3D&reserved=0