Breaking the Silence Guatemala


Breaking the Silence Guatemala, November 4-17, 2023

Mandatory Orientation, May 26, 2023

All applications must be received by April 21, 2023

The Breaking the Silence (BTS) project is supported by the PSAC Social Justice Fund.  BTS engages members to deepen their understanding of Guatemala and to build solidarity with Mayan communities.

Breaking the Silence (English only) is organizing a delegation to travel to Guatemala in 2023 to work with, and learn from grass roots organizations empowering communities.

SJF Subsidy program: The PSAC Social Justice Fund is offering subsidies for two PSAC members from the Atlantic region for the 2023 delegation.

The subsidy does not cover the loss of salary.

Members who receive a subsidy from the PSAC Social Justice Fund, will be asked to write an article or blog upon their return to Canada.  This article or blog may be posted on the PSAC Social Justice Fund Web page.

You will learn from Mayan community groups, including:

  • The New Hope Foundation High School which focuses on the Maya-Achi language and culture, as well as human rights.
  • The Rabinal Community Legal Clinic which supports human rights and transitional justice cases, including genocide cases and women’s rights.
  • The Small Farmer’ Committee of the Highlands (CCDA) which works on land and labour rights of Indigenous communities, from whom Just Us! Coffee purchases the beans used in Breaking the Silence coffee
  • The Mesoamerican Permaculture Institute (IMAP) which supports permaculture projects, seed saving, and food sovereignty.
  • The Xinka Parliament which supports community-based Groups Resisting Canadian Mining Companies.


  1. You will be notified once all applications are reviewed.
  2. You must be 18 years and older to be eligible.
  3. All participants are expected to be fully vaccinated, including boosters, unless a medical exemption has been given.
  4. The working languages will be English and Spanish.
  5. You will require passport that will remain valid until six months after the trip.
  6. Space is limited, so please return your application as soon as possible.
  7. The tour includes one day-long orientation session, a second overnight sessions and a debriefing session upon return on a mutually agreed date. These sessions are an important and mandatory part of the delegation. 
  8. All costs for these sessions will be subsidized by the SJF except for wage lost.
  9. Your participation must first be approved by PSAC, and then reviewed by BTS.
  10. Please complete the application by April 21, 2023.



What experience have you had in the following situations: